Slicktrit II

What is SlickTrit II and SlickTrit II Blends?

Triticale was originally a cross between wheat and rye. SlickTrit II is an advanced variety of forage triticale, designed to produce approximately 30% more tonnage of hay and silage than wheat.

It can also be the answer to your grazing needs. With proper management, SlickTrit II can produce 20 – 30% more beef per acre than wheat. It can be planted earlier and grazed 3 weeks longer.

We work with our customers to obtain the best results. Ron Kershen, with over 50 years of experience growing triticale, is on staff to answer questions and offer advice. Contact Ron ( with your questions today.

With 50 years of dedicated breeding behind it, SlickTrit II is a superior forage variety for the Southern Great Plains. It is important to note that there are many lines of triticale on the market. Some are good, some are great, and some are inappropriate. Watley Seed Company, offers SlickTrit II, and SlickTrit II Blends.


Slicktrit II
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